Saturday, July 10, 2010

I Believe I Can Fly

So, I just had my first flight in just about forever. Speaking seriously, it was only about 14 years or so ago, maybe 11 even, I can't recall. Regardless of how long ago it was, it was long enough to escape my memory, and I walked into the flight slightly aprehensive. Some frends of mine tried to allay my fears and it helped to a point, but still, I found myself sucumbing to a slight dread. My ticket was for Edmonton in British Columbia, a fairly long visit to see family. Although I was looking forward to seing some relatives for the first time in ages, I still was slightly worried about the flight, and it wasnt untl we got on and everything semed to be fine that I could relax.
 The flight itself was pretty uneventful, and I found myself falling in and out of sleep. I've got to say, it was a pretty odd experience, falling in and out of dreams with little no provocaton. The vistas we passed by were beautiful as well, and being able to see a long streth of Canada was a nice experience. Passing through Saskatchewan was also sort of funny, looking at wheat fields and seeing what appeared to be deserts, the difference impossible to tell so high up in the air.

Since I hadn't flown in such a long time, I didn't know how to change the angle of the seat, so I found myself falling asleep uncomfortably, not really enjoying my sleep, but only doing so because otherwise I'd probably fall asleep while walking out of the plane. Oh hey, protip: don't eat chocolate when you're barely lucid, otherwise you're probably just going to get crumbs all over yourself. Beleive me, I know.

So, with nothing but  scarf for a pillow, I made myself as comfortable as possible, with only a notebook and a random assortment of games to keep me occupied, what with my mp3 dieing before we even set foot on the plane. Writitng down the occasional interesting thought and playing Katamari Damacy much more than should be legal, I also spent a lot of time looking outside the window, which was ridiculously tiny, might I add. Seeing buldings and cars as nothing more than ants and their anthils was heady sight, and the odd lagoon here and there only made me come to realize that I haven't really seen Canada at all. I've got to say, travelling Canada would make for an interesting experience I think, and I'd probably enjoy it, past the sketchy livivng conditions that come with the territory of backpacking across a country.

So yeah, now I'm just sitting here, typing away at my cousin's laptop. I'd have updated sooner, but finding a working computer out here in the wilderness is ridiculously hard. Anyway, that's just about it for this post. I've got to get back to my double decker pizza. Honestly, B.C is holding out on the rest of Canada with those things. Ciao.

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